About This Blog

This blog is set up to write about inspiring experiences, ideas, humor, and thoughts along our everyday journey--simple ordinary solutions which give life new perspective. Your input is welcome! Simply comment about your experiences OR better yet, contact me to be a guest blogger! We ALL have prespectives and help we can share with each other.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


The other night I had a dream. I was getting ready for a new adventure--flying into space. I was waiting around for the mission crew to get things going, wondering where they all were and wondering what was taking so much time. Finally everyone showed up 20 minutes before liftoff. I went out of the building expecting to see a rocket ship, but instead I saw a fast, futuristic jet on a tall intricate engineered support system of stilts. THAT would be the ship I would be taking to space. Wow! Its cosmetic appearance was black and silver with sleek smart lines. All of a sudden, the notion came to me that I might get nauseated up in space for the three days I would be there and I became a little frightened about going (I thoroughly hate being nauseated). I remembered the stories of John Glenn in space being rotated around for days--hard, but he wouldn't have missed it for anything. So then I thought to myself, “three days of nausea was worth what I would experience on my journey into space—three days was nothing. Oh, the things I would see and experience that most people wouldn’t. What an opportunity!” But, again a bit of doubt crept in as I also thought about my older body. Could it take the “g-forces” at lift-off. I imagined the skin on my face being plastered back as far as it could take (with 50 around the corner, one can only imagine the image I had in my mind), the force of my blood pounding, but then I remembered "they" had g-suits that would help my body handle it and figured, “why not!” I sucked it up, clapped my hands together to cheer myself on and said to all, “Let’s do this thing," as I headed for that awesome cool looking space jet.

Thursday AM I will head off for "cancer surgery" liftoff. I believe I will learn and experience things through this journey in my life that I would not otherwise be able to do. Time will tell where this journey will go, and “the places I will go.” Gotta' love the subconscious mind...


  1. You are going to do awesome and I still feel what I told you in the Temple. You will have a miracle! You have such a positive outlook, remember the Lord loves you and so do all your family and friends. Good luck through it all my dear friend!!

  2. I hope you know how much we love you and are praying for you! You are the best!

  3. From my experience with Greg's family and breast cancer, I am confident that your positive attitude will play a major role in beating this and making this an experience you can endure well. You are in my thoughts and prayers this week and throughout your treatment.

  4. Just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers also. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you or your family.


Dance Along Your Journey

Dancing can lighten any heart. Here is a little humor featuring my daughter Meghan dancing with Troy from High School Musical. I hope you choose to dance today!
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