About This Blog

This blog is set up to write about inspiring experiences, ideas, humor, and thoughts along our everyday journey--simple ordinary solutions which give life new perspective. Your input is welcome! Simply comment about your experiences OR better yet, contact me to be a guest blogger! We ALL have prespectives and help we can share with each other.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Which is it...The End or The Journey?

Let's talk book reading! Let's say it's the last book in the Twilight series (it seems to be the "in" book right now). You have been anticipating the last novel for some time. You can't wait to see how it all ends! As you begin to read, the novel becomes more and more exciting! You read so fast...so fast and furious. Skimming to the end, where you slow down and drink in every glorious word. The problem is that in getting to the end so fast, you forgot to relish and enjoy the novel along the way. I know...we've all done it--been there!

Let's liken this to a Mormon perspective on life. We know the beginning--where we came from and what it was like and we also know how it's all going to end. So...perhaps the message is, we just enjoy the journey along the way. God's in charge, our job is to live each day to the fullest.

Side Note: Speaking of Twilight...what if you had actually read the end first, just so you could really enjoy the read. (Credit to Michelle. Thanks for the great share)

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Dance Along Your Journey

Dancing can lighten any heart. Here is a little humor featuring my daughter Meghan dancing with Troy from High School Musical. I hope you choose to dance today!
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